원본 : http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/wiki/FriendsOfGuava
Friends of Guava
- Caliper - we use it to benchmark our code
- Glazed Lists - observable collections
- GSON - read and write JSON
- Guice - a mature dependency injector
- Dagger - a high-performance dependency injector.
- Google Web Toolkit - we support it
- ICU4J - unless all your users live in the same place
- Joda-Time - do not use JDK date/time libraries!
- JUNG - graphs done right
- MOE - this is how we keep our internal and external codebases in sync
- ProGuard - shrinker/bundler/obfuscator/optimizer
- Mockito - Googlers' favorite mocking framework
Guava 14.0 rc-1 이 나와서 살펴보다가 이 페이지를 발견했네요^^
흠 Glazed List 는 써야할 것 같고, Spring Core 를 써서 굳이 Guice나 Dagger는 쓸 필요가 없을 듯하고 (개인적으로는)
Caliper는 관심가져봐야 겠네요^^
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